Thursday, February 2, 2012

These shots are from the last couple weeks. Not much going here. No snow no riding. The last one is a little different angle of what mountain? Its the top picture.


Blogger Lost Woman said...

Oh man... I feel like I'm going to fail the quiz..
The first picture (at the top of the blog) has Borah in the background there right?

Its the last picture (the very bottom closest to the text) that I can't name. I'll call it the peak after lost river peak?

It's funny, I think I've got a favorite picture from the small versions, and then when I see the larger images my opinion often changes. REally enjoy the one with the stump in the foreground. (always love a good stump) The one I was surprised to really like large it the one with the yellow grass in the foreground. That is sort of eerily cool.

Even with not much snow there is still that beautiful light and blue blue skies.

Thanks for sharing!

How did you get to the top of wherever you were to take pictures? It's not the burma road?

February 4, 2012 at 12:30 AM  
Blogger Gordon's pic of the day said...

they are from the burma road there is may be four in. of snow on top. it is borah the other one is donaldson.

February 4, 2012 at 6:12 PM  

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